« I think that Poetry lives in the body of the poet, in his breath and in his voice as well as in his signs lying on the dumb pages of books. But I also think that Sound isn’t enough, because poetry needs thoughts, and critics, and forms. That’s way I make a particular kind of Post-Sound Poetry, in which the meanings are very important, as important as the rhythm of the voice and as the depth of breath. I believe that the poet, today, must be a post-modern, critic griot of our actual imperial&globalized society and so my texts are political and civil ones, but they need musical background to tell the emotions as much as they need cultural traditions and experimental literary tools to criticize the forms of the present language and to built a new one. I think that this kind of work, on the border between popular music and the High Culture of the modern Avant-Gards, smells of Avant-Pop. »
Lello Voce was born in Naples in 1957.
He lives and works in Treviso (Venice).
Poet, writer and performer, he was among the founders of Gruppo 93 and of the six-monthly literary magazine « Baldus ».
In 2011 he was among the founders of World Poetry Movement, during Medellin International Poetry Festival. He is among the members of its Coordinating Committee.
In 1982 he published Singin’ Napoli cantare (Ripostes ed.) in 1985, (Musa !) (book + audio tape, Mancosu ed.) and I segni i suoni le cose (book + Audio CD, Manni ed.) in 1996.
His first novel – Eroina (Transeuropa ed.) – was published in 1999.
He wrote all of his second novel, Cucarachas , live on the Internet on www.raisatzoom.it, and it was published in 2002 by DeriveApprodi.
His next poetry book, Farfalle da combattimento , which includes an Audio CD with his readings and music by Paolo Fresu and Frank Nemola and is illustrated by six drawings by Silvio Merlino was published in the InVersi series edited by Aldo Nove by Bompiani (1999).
In 2003 he was awarded the Delfini Poetry Award for L’esercizio della lingua (with original drawings by Sandro Chia, Mazzoli editore).
The verses of the latter sylloge were set to music by Frank Nemola and published in his first CD, Fast Blood , [MRF5 musical editions, distributed by SELF] – in cooperation with musicians Paolo Fresu, Michael Gross, Luigi Cinque and Luca Sanzò.
Lai was published in 2007 by edizioni d’if and his novels, collected under the title Il Cristo elettrico were re-published by No Reply in the same year .
L’esercizio della lingua (poetry, 1991-2008) , a selected anthology of his whole poetic production which also includes the poems in his latest collection, was published in September 2008 by Le Lettere of Florence under the moral Patronage of the Fabrizio De Andrè Foundation-NPO, in the Fuori Formato series, edited by Andrea Cortellessa. The book is accompanied by a Dual Disc, the audio part of which contains the new poetry tracks, Piccola cucina Cannibale , with music by Paolo Fresu, Michael Gross and Frank Nemola. The DVD side contains original video by Giacomo Verde and Robert Rebotti, and some archive audio-video materials.
He was the first to introduce Poetry Slams in Italy and he was the first EmCee to organize and lead an international Poetry Slam with poets of no less than seven different languages (Romapoesia, 2002, Big Torino 2002)
His poems, short stories and essays have been published on newspapers (“La Repubblica”, “Lo Specchio della Stampa”, Musica di Repubblica, Carta, Liberazione, il Manifesto, L’Unità etc.), magazines (among which “Baldus”, “Altri Termini”, “Anterem”, “Ritmica”, “Il verri”, “Variations”, “Cahiers du Refuge”, Tribù astratte, etc.) and poetry collections in Italy and abroad (to name but a few, La poesia italiana della contraddizione, edited by Cavallo and Lunetta, Newton Compton, 1989 ; 1st “Invarianti” Notebook, edited by G. Patrizi, Pellicani, 1989 ; Shearsmen of Sort : Italian Poetry 1975-1993, special issue of “Forum Italicum”, New York University, 1993, Italian Poetry 1950 to 1990, Dante University Press, Boston, 1996, The Temporary Chorus Tokyo, Shico-sha, 2001, Parola Plurale (Sossella ed., 2005), Echo and Narcissus, 14 Writers for a Landscape, edited by Rebecca De Marchi and Dario Voltolini (Sironi, 2005), Preaching for a New Millennium. From a Siege of Ashes, edited by Gabriele Frasca (Marsilio 2008), Molecole, Antologia bilingue de poesia italiana (Istituto Italiano di Cultuta di Lima, Ed. ManoFalsa, 2010).
His work has been translated into French, English, Spanish, Catalan, Japanese, German, Brazilian Portuguese (by Haroldo De Campos) and Arabic (by Joumana Haddad).
In 2000, with Nanni Balestrini, Paolo Fabbri, and Sergio Spina he co-authored the TV programme The Navel of the World (Rai Educational -Rai 3 – Rai1) which was broadcast from October of that year.
In 2003 he wrote the script for Places/NonPlaces (Sky TV / TV Cult) with Adriana Polveroni.
He took part in a large number of readings and performances around the world, to name but a few in Milan (Milano Poesia, LeonkArt, Centro Sociale Occupato Leonkavallo,) ; Rome (Romapoesia, Festival dei poeti, Teatro Romano di Ostia Antica, Teatro Argentina, ) ; Parma (International Festival Di versi in versi) ; Salerno (Poeta 90, ), Bologna (Bologna Festival, Strumenti a voce, Le voci della poesia, ), Marseilles (Centre International de Poèsie, Le Groupe 93) ; Paris (Italian Culture Institute, Polyphonix, Centre Pompidou – Grande Salle), Yale University (New Haven, USA, ), Naples (Galassia Gutemberg, Napoli Teatro Festival Italia ) Geneva (Festival de la Bâtie,), São Paulo (14th Book Biennal, Ungaretti poet of three continents), Venice (Venezia Poesia), Palermo (Festival del Novecento, Palermo Teatro Festival), Treviso (Finestre sul 900), Pordenone (Pordenonelegge), Tokyo (Italian Poetry Festival), Bucharest-Konstanz (Ars Amandi) Berlin (Weltklang nacht der poesie, Berlin Poetry Festival, Brecht Fest – Berliner Ensamble), Barcelona (Polyphonix), Festival Propost) Palma de Majorca, (Festival de la Mediteranìa), Macerata (Musicultura), Medellin (Festival Internacional de Poesia), Lima (Festival ManoFalsa), Lodeve (Festival Voix de la Mediterranee), Santander (Poetry 2010), Granada (Festival Internacional de Poesia de Nicaragua).
His material was broadcast by the RAI national radio and TV networks (Rai3 and Rai1 – L’ombelico del mondo, Rai3 – Quelli che il calcio, Rai RadioUno StereoBox, Radio 3 Suite, Lampi di Primavera, Magazzini Einstein, Farhenheit, etc.), Radio 24, Radio Popolare Network, Radio Sherwood, Global Radio, Sky TV, Canale 5, the German state TV network, the Spanish state radio and the Swiss Romande Radio Television (Espace 2 : Les dossiers d’espace2 – La poèsie sonore).
In 2002 the German satellite station Dwelle dedicated a special programme to him.
In 1989 he was one of the winners of the “Laura Nobile Poetry Biennial” (Siena University) and his works were therefore included in the collectanea Di poesia nuova ’89, (Manni, 1990).
He’s been editor of “Symbola” and “Altri Termini” as well as co-Director of “Baldus”.
Many critics have taken an interest in his work, reviewing it on newspapers (Corsera, Stampa, Sole 24 ore, Repubblica, Unità, Manifesto, etc…), weekly magazines (Panorama, L’Espresso, Epoca, Vogue uomo, Marie Claire, Donna Moderna, Musica di Repubblica, Repubblica Donna, Venerdì di Repubblica, etc.), on the Italian and foreign literary press and in textbooks for secondary schools (I testi e la storia, by Segre – Martignoni, Mondadori, Le idee di letteratura, by Cataldi, La Nuova Italia, La scrittura e l’interpretazione, by Luperini and Cataldi, Palumbo ed.) and university (La poesia italiana del Novecento, Niva Lorenzini, Il Mulino, 1999). To name but a few: F. Fortini, E. Sanguineti, Haroldo de Campos, Vincent Barras, Renato Barilli, Alfredo Giuliani, Franco Brevini, Stefania Scateni, Jovanotti, Paolo Fabbri, Remo Ceserani, Francesco Leonetti, Nanni Balestrini, Niva Lorenzini, Filiberto Menna, Clelia Martignoni, Jean Charles Vegliante, John Picchione, Wladimir Krysinski, Romano Luperini, Augusto De Campos, Aldo Tagliaferri, Angelo Guglielmi, Antonio Caronia, Achille Bonito Oliva, Umberto Eco, Enzo Golino, Muaro Covacich, Andrea Cortellessa, Gabriele Frasca, Stefano La Via, Marianna Marrucci.
As a literary critic he has written on Gadda, Leopardi, E.Villa, Zanzotto, on the issue of Post-modernism in literature, the relationship between poetry and vocalization, cooperating with a number of magazines such as “Baldus”, “Allegoria”, “Testuale”, “La Taverna di Auerbach”, “DeriveApprodi”.
His essay Avant-Garde and Tradition is included in the international collectanea Experimental-Visual-Concrete. Avant-Garde Poetry since the 1960s Rodopi ed., Amsterdam-Atlanta, & Yale University Press, New Haven, 1996.
In 2005 he edited and introduced the first Italian anthology of Haroldo de Campos’ work, L’educazione dei cinque sensi, accompanied by notes by Augusto de Campos and Umberto Eco.
He wrote the foreword to the monograph Il manuale del giovane Merlino for the art magazine “Juliet” .
He has organized a wide range of culture and poetry festivals and meetings. He was the artistic coordinator of the International “Venezia Poesia”Festival, directed by Nanni Balestrini in 1996. Always in 1996 he cooperated with the Italian Culture Institute of Sao Paulo, Brazil in organizing the Italian space at the 14th Book Biennial, the most important book fair in South America. He worked for UNESCO as Project Leader and Artistic Director of the International Rap and Hip Hop culture Festival”VERONA RAP” (1998).
He was Artistic Director of the 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 editions of the International Festival « romapoesia » in Rome and of the first Italian Poetry Festival in Japan (Tokyo, 2001 – always jointly with Nanni Balestrini and Luigi Cinque).
Since 2005 he’s been Artistic Director of the International Poetry Festival of Monfalcone (GO) – Absolute Poetry, and he has designed its collective poetry blog and international poetry aggregator Poegator.
He cooperates with the cultural pages of “L’Unità“, he’s been columnist for the Giornale di Sardegna, for the newspapers of the E-Polis Group, and for the monthly magazine “Kult”. For more than two years he wrote a weekly column (TAZ) on the cultural pages of “L’Unità”, followed by Net&Blog, dedicated to the Internet and its relationship with literature and art, and he had a regular weekly column – Controversi – in which he published verse dedicated to current political and cultural affairs.
With Giacomo Verde he edited the book +VHS Solo Limoni on the events of Genoa and he produced together with the Radio Sherwood team Il buio su Piazza Alimonda, a counter-inquiry into Carlo Giuliani’s murder. Always with Giacomo Verde he co-authored the net art work QWERTYU for the international architecture magazine “Domus” website
He’s cooperated for a long time as literary consultant and artistic curator with Antonio Presti’s Atelier del Mare (Tusa) in the ‘Librino -Terzocchio’ project.
He’s been a member of the Theleme Cooperative, with which he has curated many art exhibitions, industrial communication and community-based projects, among which three Telecom Italia phone cards devoted to poetry, a set of “art coffee cups” by well-known poets which “Theleme” designed for Illy Caffé and an advertising postcard to support the “City and Prostitution” project developed by the Mestre / Venice City Council.